But anyways I started work for a tree care company.

The Holy Ghost hath testified,
I know within my heart,
The other paths that I have tried,
From them I must depart.
I turn my feet toward the light,
The mountains fill my view.
I see the rugged path of life,
And see where I must choose.
Knowing that the path is hard,
But knowing that it’s right.
My body’s weak with sin that’s marred,
I’ll try with all my might.
But on my own I know I’ll fail.
The natural man is weak.
Rememb’ring suffering, cross and nail,
The Son who was most meek.
And following his Father’s plan,
He suffered for our sins.
And with Him I must take my stand,
And then my trail begins.
Through winding roads and jagged rocks,
And dangers at all sides.
A thoughtless group, a crowd that mocks,
My standards must abide.
Then climbing up the steepest slope,
My foot loses its place.
I fear, but then I search for hope,
I see my Savior’s face.
He reaches out his hand, and I,
I take it eagerly.
“I cannot make it.” I reply,
He answers, “Trust in Me.”
“My strength is gone, I can’t go on,”
Was my sorrowed plea.
“I know you, what you can become,”
And again says, “Trust in Me.”
Then drying tears that fill my eyes
He embraces me most dear.
I set aside my foolish cries,
I see the pathway clear.
I see the pitfalls up ahead,
And where I must avoid.
The Lord will show me where to tread,
And with him I am buoyed.
I finally reach the mountains peak.
My heart, it swells with joy.
Tears fill my eyes, I cannot speak,
I’ve traveled since a boy.
“Well done thou good and faithful one,”
My Savior says to me.
“Now look at what you have become,”
He tells me tenderly.
“But without Thee I could not have come,
I’ve failed too many times.”
“That’s why I’ve come. The victory’s won.
And friend you now are mine.”
“You’ve come to me and tried your best.
You’ve done what you could do.
My sacrifice makes up the rest.
I’ve done it all for you.”
“Now come child, your reward awaits.
Your Father’s waiting too,
Now enter in the Celestial gates,
And live the life of new.”